May 28, 2010

OK. Please Rain

能彀在遠方看到你地真摯也是一種幸福. 能彀听到你地声音也已经是足够的靠近

May 14, 2010

Who Do You Love?

You must tell 14 people about this game in 4 days in order to make your wish come true.

Yee Chen is the one that you love.

Yee Ting is one you like but can't work out.

You care most about Veen Dee.

Emilyn is the one who knows you very well.

Joanne is your lucky star.

When I Look At You is the song that matches with Yee Chen.

It's Only Life is the song for Yee Ting.

Like A Fire is the song that tells you most about your mind.

And Wei Yi is the song telling how you feel about life!

Get the quiz here. =p

May 1, 2010

Pack of lessons in one night

In JB now. Grandpa's birthday. The food was too delicious really. I couldn't finish everything.

Miss you ^^

Good night =)