August 31, 2009

From The Bottom Of My Heart

I cherish all my previous relationships. Winks* =D

Amiable , Enviable , Unperturbed ?

Changed my blog song 3 times in 3 hours.. ==

Could We Ever Be Together ?


Emo-ness has got to stop here.

August 26, 2009

大嘴巴 - 永遠在身邊

Baby boy永遠永遠手牽手


眼淚 她為你流過 也為自己掉過
對於你們的愛 她總是抱著堅強的笑容
錯過那些時間 謝謝她的守候
是時候 緊緊牽她的手 帶她到你的城堡裡

最近還好嗎 想念的心開不了口
枯想著妳有沒有好好過 擔心著妳每天生活
你好嗎 最近如何 照顧身體工作加油
我一個人也會勇敢好好過 不讓你擔心多一秒
想念著 每天每秒我們故事 每天每秒說好的事
兩個人一起散步 是最浪漫的事
你是我的天使 給我力量能夠堅持

那些關心問候 翅膀一樣的雙手 是我最幸福的所有
心裡面有你建的角落 脆弱時我能夠躲一躲
妳愛我 像翅膀一樣溫柔的手 我要抱著妳不要再錯過
你的愛 是最藍那片天空 coz baby girl Im coming back home

Baby boy永遠永遠手牽手


幸福 少了妳在身邊不會完整
這份愛 不是悸動 守護一輩子的感動

心疼妳會睡不好 總是縮在床的一角
我要回來給妳依靠 哄妳看妳笑著睡著
照片裡 你的微笑 我們甜蜜得打鬧
好希望微風把思念 代替我親吻你嘴角
想念著 每天每秒我們故事 每天每秒說好的事
約定好去看的風景 愛譜成了詩
你就是我的天使 給我力量能夠堅持

陽光燦爛午後 我又在街上走 你的影子不再寂寞
想到你的身邊到不了 像個路人般看熱鬧
經過那個屬於我們的轉角 走過兩個人曾經逛的街
那些店 還有熟悉的畫面 oh baby girl I'm coming back home

Baby boy永遠永遠手牽手


沒有辦法想像 那畫面
一個孤獨的背影走在 小公園
一顆心 需要暖 一雙手 需要牽
故事要有美好結局 需要兩雙手來寫
永遠 不是只出現在童話裡的夢
在身邊 眼淚加了蜜糖甜
這句點 要完美畫在無名指上
戀人們 要一起珍藏


August 24, 2009

At The End Of The Day , Smile =)

Had a nice morning , did my work. In the afternoon , played PS and then was really freaking bored. Empty mind. Tried to sleep. Didn't work. Then had some snacks and went online for a while before going to tuition. Tuition was quite fun. After tuition , Steven and I went to take a look at the juniors doing their rehearsal for Friday's installation. They're improving each year. After that , went to Boston for dinner. First time I went there. LOLS..The food there doesn't taste bad really. In fact , if you make the right choice , then you'll enjoy it..XP Then went home..Simple as that.

I hope it only gets better. Period.

E For Eugene

Go easy on my conscious cause it's not my fault..
But I felt shame..Guilt..Nightmares..They keep haunting me..

It's about time to stop it isn't it ?

Eugene ( not Gene ) signs off.
Good Night ~ =)

August 20, 2009

Tear Down The Walls

My heart is given to you .
Oh do give me yours..
We'll lock them up together ,
And throw away the key.

But now my heart is shattered into pieces ,
And you're giving it back to me ,
I am trying to mend those scars on it ,
And give it to another person when it heals.

August 17, 2009


Being single is a good thing. That's if you can keep yourself busy or flirt well. =)

August 10, 2009

Qi Qing Liu Yu

Today early morning then had stomach ache. Babi betul..Back from school at 4pm then had to rush to Chemistry tuition at 5pm. Nowadays people simply shout I Love You out of nowhere. I saw it happened in school == . Damn tired now. Monday get to watch House later =)

Protection masks out of stock..really a sad thing. Sis needs it badly.
I've updated the previous post.

Listening to 21 Guns ^^

August 2, 2009

Breathe And Let Go

Anything that takes place in our life , there are sure to be regrets. Whether they are moments of joy or tragedies , regrets come in all sizes. We always think we can do better in any way somehow. To prevent a disaster from happening or satisfying our own greed. ( already sufficient needs ) The fact is most of the time , there is nothing else that can be done when these circumstances arise. Regrets makes us aware that we are imperfect and life itself is imperfect. Tells us that fighting till the end has got to end at one point. That point is where we realize that nothing lasts forever.

Tragedies. We loathe it a lot. Always wondering how life would turn out to be in heaven. There is no doubt that the real life sucks. People die , they leave , and some of them hide. But if you dig down deep , you'll find a silver lining. Take in the good memories with you and make them let you see that there is something left in life worth remembering. That you had great days with people you love. We always learn something. Always.

Grief. It's like the ocean , deep , dark and all around us. The pain that arises from it is like a thief in the night. Selfish and heartless , taking away everything that was precious to you. At the end of the day , we're confused and feel senseless. We try to seek clarity in every way possible. Sometimes , trying to believe that something like that shouldn't had happen. We shouldn't act like that. Life is too short to be miserable. Have your own desired faith that things will turn out fine. It leads to hope. When you're having a hard time , remember that there are people around you. They love you. They want to go through this together with you. It's subtle to say that you're selfish if you don't share your ups and downs with these people. I think it's quite true.

Everyone is equally important. They may not mean anything to you but they could mean a lot to someone. A person will always be loved by somebody. He or she could be a son / daughter , father / mother , brother / sister , friend , lover , leader of a country , a classmate and even you yourself. There are people who don't even love themselves. Every person deserves to be loved and to be given a second chance in life. And when it comes , grab it.

" He who does not grieve , does not see. "

Translated by a friend of mine. =)


August 1, 2009

Now I know faith is relentless

Don't be selfish.

Faith is what keeps you believing for certain issues.

It's a good decision =)