January 6, 2008

A World Of Differences

I was chatting with sarah yesterday and she was like Eugeeeneee...It's 2.30am here and i can't sleep..And she got's church the next day..She slept in the afternoon and woke up..Not long after that it's hyper sarah again..Lolz..I was feeling kind of lethargic actually..Sarah wanted my views on this malaysian/asian lifestyle or mentality thing..Honestly,I told her that i don't really like it.It's somehow too noisy and dirty i guess.I love the lifestyle of those non-asian countries,where it's more enjoyable. =)

Sarah just couldn't understand this whole asian mentality thing really.Her mum still hasn't really left this mentality behind in her life.Maybe beacause all of her closest relatives are in Malaysia and it's kinda hard i guess.But her dad has already left this mindset behind.I personally think it's beacause maybe her dad's parents are there with him..so maybe it's easier you know..Personally,I think religious views also has an impact on what kind of lifestyle that you would like to cultivate as well as the different perspective on how you look at things.Different people tend to have various types of living ways.All affected by suroundings,religious views and political issues i guess.For me,I think Christianity makes people more liberal in their views on life.I can see the difference in many of my friends who are actually Christians.They tend to have a more enjoyable life and don't really take everything seriously.They still hold on strongly to their belief in God.And that's good.It's really good to find what you believe in sincerely.

Sarah said that she was shocked when she went to Singapore.At there,you would have to hold on to a strong high level of education to survive.It's like children at such a tender age have to study study and study..Although I can't deny the fact that the education system in Sinagapore is somehow better than the ones in Malaysia.
They don't really have a chance to experience a proper enjoyable and fun childhood.In Australia,children at a tender age are supposed to be enjoying life and they do not really emphasize on eduaction that much.

There is a hell lot of difference in a majority of things between Australia and Malaysia.Just look at the difference in the neighbourhood in Malaysia and Australia.Here,it seems to be so noisy and those damn Chihuahas opposite my house are still barking insanely whenever somebody passes by.In Australia,it seems to be much more calm and I think it's much more safer secuirity wise.And we do have world class shopping centres in Malaysia and Singapore,but it's utterly useless.There's still a difference and a big gap you see..

Sarah told me lots about Aussie.
Basically,she goes to school at 8.47am and school dismisses at 3.05 pm.They have like 8 periods in school or something.
They do have lockers in school.And in private school,they have big long ones...Flabbergasted~
They just casually go from class to class to attend lessons..
There's not much of a big deal if you're late.Some teachers do give you a heck of a scolding while some just don't care.
In class,some teachers are strict and they really want you to pay attention and do well.But some teachers make the lessons fun.They usually do their homework when it's due to be passsed up.They usually do it before a period.Imagine if you're doing homework during recess or revising whenever you have free time here.You'll get mocked like hearing people saying "Kiasu lar","Lame",'Don't be so harworking lah".Such things just shows that the asian mentality is still very much different from the other non-asian countries where in Asia discouragement produces a deeper impact on student's lives.

Hmm..how well do they fare in examinations in school?
The syllabus in public schools are not that tough.But in selective schools,they tend to be more competetive in terms of academic performances.Sarah said that most people in public schools fail their examinations and they don't care.Neither do the teachers care.Enjoying life is a higher priority. Basically,the teachers just give out assignments and you just do it.It's your problem really if you decide to do it or not.The main reason is the teachers never check on them.You have to cope yourself and count on yourself .Not like spoonfeeding education systems in Malaysia.In Malaysia, you rarely get a good job without a pursuit of high level education.I'm not saying that we shouldn't study..But,it's really hard for students here to balance between working and enjoying life.The main reason is beacuse when you get back from school,you do your homework and also go for tons of tuition classes.Some people have tuition classes everyday.Imagine that!!!
In Aussie,some indulge in sports after school,hang out in the mall,or even hang out at friends houses.Tutoring doesn't seems to be a popular subject among Aussies kids.It seems that only Asian parents there would find their kids a tutor.Otherwise,some don't even know tutoring exists!!!

Honestly,I would like to experience this kind of life at least once in my life eventhough it's for a short term.
Sarah asked me to go to Aussie at the end of this year.Of course I would like to.I've been there when i was small.But i was so blur~ at that tender age..>.<
That's not for me to decide..Parents will. =)

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